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The Competencies Initiative: Phase 2 - Focus Groups

04/22/2022 2:36 PM | Anonymous

Now in Phase 2, the Competencies Initiative is in full swing. Thanks to our generous donors, eight groups have been held, and six more are scheduled for the the next few months.

As we review our competencies to ensure that they are still relevant and reflect psychoanalysis today, we are using a focus group research model that helps us look at how analysts of ‘different stripes’ look at what makes for competent analytic work. To do this we are holding an extensive series of small group zoom meetings with analysts from various backgrounds where we discuss the competencies so that we can ensure that we have a wide range of perspectives reflective of the broader community of psychoanalysts.

In each group meeting, we ask analysts from one of the areas, such as one theoretical orientation, a standard set of questions designed to elicit information about what analyst consider to be essential for competent psychoanalytic work. To give you some examples, in our theoretical orientation focus groups, we have a group made up of only Kleinian analysts, one with relational analysts, and another with expertise in Bion. We are talking to groups of child analysts, early career analysts and analysts who’ve worked as certification examiners. Other groups have expertise in particular areas of diversity and inclusion, such as gender/sexuality or race and ethnicity. We have groups from various training backgrounds both inside and outside of APsaA, including NYU Post-Doc and the IIPT institute. Finally, these groups are made up of analysts who are certified and uncertified. So far, the experience has been a rich and stimulating one for both the research teams and the participants. We are looking forward to seeing what emerges from these groups – similarities, differences, and essentials from everyone’s perspective.

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