The testing window is June 7- 8 2025, as to not overlap with APsA's meetings.
Are you interested in sitting for the certification examination during this testing window? If so, please register.
You must have already submitted your application and the application fee, if you haven't done so already, please do that before registering this testing period, by clicking here. Application fees are valid for 5 years.
Examination fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Before registering for the examination period, please be sure that you will be available during the testing window. This examination will take place virtually.
Applicant requests for specific interview days should be submitted in this event registration or by writing to the ABPsa Office by the deadline. While ABPsa cannot guarantee that such requests will be granted, it will try its best to accommodate them.
There is a maximum number of examinations that we can hold each examination period. A wait-list may be made available.
More information about the certification process can be found in the Handbook for Applicants.
Application materials and all fees must be received by February 1st.