ABPSa is conducting research into psychoanalytic competencies in order to update existing standards to accurately reflect current clinical practice. As part of this research, teams of analysts from ABPsa have met with a broad range of analysts from across the country to collect data about analytic competencies. While this research is ongoing, in some instances we have already responded to this valuable input from analyst colleagues. We are pleased to announce one outcome of this process. The Board of Directors, as of 11/13/22, has modified the case requirements for child and adolescent analysts seeking certification, as follows:
New Case Requirements for Child and Adolescent certification applicants:
Applicants are expected to submit three written reports - two of full length, and one brief report of five pages - of child and adolescent cases from different developmental phases, including adolescence. One case must include the use of play as a treatment modality.
ABPsa historically has required applicants for certification as child and adolescent analysts to present analytic cases of more than one gender. The gender diversity requirement for child and adolescent cases now may be satisfied in one of two ways:
The three reports include patients of different genders; or,
If all of an applicant’s three analytic cases are of the same gender, an applicant shall submit an additional case report of 2 to 5 pages, as the applicant deems sufficient, describing the applicant’s clinical work (psychoanalysis or psychotherapy) with a child or adolescent of a different gender. The case report should describe the nature of this clinical work to demonstrate the applicant’s sensitivities, knowledge, experience and ability to think analytically and work effectively with children or adolescents of different genders. Process notes are not required for this 4th case report.
In the interview, the applicant should be prepared to discuss this clinical work. This would be in addition to discussing the three analytic case reports. The oral examination time will be increased by 15 minutes to allow for this discussion.
Eligibility & How to Apply