About Me
Alexa Albert has a private practice in Seattle where she works primarily with people who have histories of early relational trauma resulting in attachment disorders that present symptomatically or characterologically. She specializes in working with narcissistically-organized patients as well as the partners (and ex-partners) and adult children of narcissists. Her theoretical orientation is largely relational and intersubjective with particular attention paid to right brain-to-right brain unconscious affective communication and affect regulation. In addition to her private practice, she is a Training & Consulting Analyst and Faculty Member at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (SPSI) and a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Medical School. After completing her pediatric internship and second post-graduate year as a resident at Seattle Children's Hospital, she completed a psychiatric residency at the University of Washington to focus more intensively on mental health. After finishing her psychiatric residency, she went on to complete the Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program at SPSI. She has written and lectured widely on issues of public health. Her public health publications include articles on sexual arousal in diabetic females, health care in the Czech Republic, adolescent pregnancy and sexual abuse, condom usage and breakage, and condom negotiation skills of licensed brothel workers. In 2001, Random House published her book entitled Brothel: Mustang Ranch and Its Women, a non-fiction first-person narrative about the world of legalized brothel prostitution in Nevada.