Papers & Presentations
Case Presentation for APsaA’s 2016 Winter Meeting DSG, Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Women and Their Experience of Competence, Ambition and Leadership.
“Actions speak louder than words: The dynamics of Psychodynamic technique” (September 2009, 2010, and October 2013). Presentation for Prelude to Training Program, IPE.
“Transference and Countertransference in the Cross-cultural Therapeutic Dyad” (April, 2012). Presentation for the NYU Psychiatry Residents.
- Panel Chair, “Constructing our Psychoanalytic Ethos: How and What We Teach”, (December, 2007) at the Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference, New York, NY.
- Zayas, L. H., Cabassa, L.J., Pérez, M. C. (2007). “Using Interpreters in Diagnostic Research and Practice: Pilot Results and Recommendations.” The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68, 924-928.
- “Understanding Depression” (May, 2007). Presentation for the Latino Organization for Liver Awareness (LOLA), New York, NY.
- “Undocumented Latinos: Psychiatric Diagnoses and Utilization of Mental Health Services” (February, 2007). Grand Rounds Presentation for the Department of Psychiatry at Lincoln Hospital, Bronx, NY.
- Case discussant, “Bilinguality, Trauma, and Dissociation”, (January, 2007) at the American Psychoanalytic Association Conference, New York, NY.
- Case discussant, “The Analyst, the Analytic Listening, and Psychic Bisexuality”, (January, 2007) at the American Psychoanalytic Association Conference, New York, NY.
- Zayas, L. H., Cabassa, L.J., Pérez, M. C., & Howard, M. O. (2005). “Clinician-Patient Ethnicity in Psychiatric Diagnosis of Hispanics”, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 14(1/2/), 93-109.
- “Psychiatric Diagnosis and Hispanicity: Preliminary Findings” (December, 2005). Grand Rounds Presentation for the Department of Psychiatry at St. Vincent’s Hospital, New York, NY.
- Zayas, L. H., Cabassa, L.J., & Pérez, M. C. (2005). “Capacity-to-Consent in Psychiatric Research: Development and Preliminary Testing of a Screening Tool”, Research on Social Work Practice, 15(6), 545-556.
- "In Vivo Supervision of a Challenging Case with Reflections on the Supervisory Process" (June, 2005). Case presentation at the American Psychoanalytic Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Pérez, M. C., & Fortuna, L. (2005). “Psychosocial stressors, psychiatric diagnoses and utilization of mental health services among undocumented immigrant Latinos.” In M. J. González, and G. Gonzålez-Ramos (Eds.). Mental Health Care for New Hispanic Immigrants. New York: Haworth Press, 107-124.
- Pérez, M. C., & Fortuna, L. (2005). “Psychosocial stressors, psychiatric diagnoses and utilization of mental health services among undocumented immigrant Latinos”, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services, 3(1/2), 107-123.
- Pérez, C., & Fortuna, L. (2002). “Psychiatric diagnoses and Utilization of Mental Health Services among Undocumented Latino Immigrants.” Paper presented at the 2002 American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- “Symposium: Y De Donde Es Usted? (And Where Are You From?)” (August, 2002). Presentation for the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Pérez, C. (2002). “Group support in times of distress”. Psychotherapy Forum, 8(2), 2.
- “Symposium: Immigration, Trauma, and the Therapeutic Voyage” (August, 2001). Presentation for the annual American Psychological Association National Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Pérez, C., & Fortuna, L. (2001). “Psychiatric diagnoses and Utilization of Mental Health Services among Undocumented Latino Immigrants.” Paper presented at the 2001 Office of Mental Health Conference in New York, NY.
- “Symposium: Latino Mental Health Services in an Urban Teaching Hospital.” (2000, August). Presentation for annual American Psychological Association national conference, Washington, D.C.
- “Culture, Family & Social Systems and their Impact on Mental Health Care Delivery for Latinos.” (1999, November). Presentation for Pfizer Pharmaceutics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Pérez, C., & McCabe, A. (1999, August). “Measuring schizotypal cognitions in English and Spanish speaking college students.” Paper presented at the 1999 American Psychological Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Pérez, C., Tager-Flusberg, H., & McCabe, A. (1999, August). “Cohesion and reference in schizotypal personal and TAT narratives.” Poster presented at the 1999 American Psychological Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Pérez, C., Caplan, B., & Zimmet, S.V. (1999, April). “Supportive group therapy for first-episode schizophrenic outpatients: A content analysis of themes.” Poster presented at the annual Harvard Department of Psychiatry Research Meeting.
- Perez, C. (1998, April). The language of native Spanish and English speaking schizotypal college students. Unpublished dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Boston.
- “Latino psychotic patients: Strategies for improving access to services.” (1998, September). Presentation for yearly Department of Mental Health Conference on Early Interventions in psychosis.
- Pérez, C. (1998). Clinicians’ perceptions of children’s oral personal narratives. Narrative Inquiry, 8(1), 181-201.
- “Alternative healing practices among Latinos.” (May, 1994). Presentation for Social Work Department and Translator’s Department at the Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA.
- Turner, C. B., Laria, A. J., Shapiro, E. R., & Pérez, C. (1993). Poverty, resilience, and academic achievement among Latino college students and high school dropouts. In R. Rivera & S. Nieto (Eds.), The Education of Latino students in Massachusetts: Issues, research, and policy implications (pp. 190-213). Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press.
- “Clinicians' perceptions of children’s oral personal narratives.” (August, 1993). Paper presented at the 1993 American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Rodino, A.M., Gimbert, C., Pérez, C., Craddock-Willis, K., & McCabe, A. (1991). “Getting your point across: Contrasting sequencing in low-income African-American and Latino children’s personal narratives. Paper presented at the 1991 Boston University Language Conference, Boston, MA.
- Williams, J., Carrillo, J., & Pérez, C. (1990). Project C.H.I.L.D. (Community Health Initiatives Against Learning Disabilities). Paper presented at NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) Conference, Washington, D.C.
Workshops - “Achieving Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Mental Health Services” (September & October, 2007). Cultural Competency Training Workshop for the Association for Rehabilitative Case Management & Housing, New York, NY.
- “Cultural issues in the psychiatric assessment and treatment of Latinos.” (2002, April). Workshop presented for staff at the Riverside Community Mental Health Center, Riverside, NY.
- “Issues of culture in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.” (2001, April). Workshop for faculty and staff of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers, New York, NY.
- “Depression, Suicide, and Substance Abuse.” (2000, June). Two-day workshop for teaching staff at English First (EF) Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts.
- “The Role of Language in Psychosis: Implications for Assessment and Diagnosis.” (1999, June). Workshop at Continuing the Dialogue: A Symposium on Culturally Competent Mental Health Practices for Latinos, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
- “Child development and behavior management” (November, 1988; March, 1989). Workshops in Spanish for bilingual teachers and parents at the John F. Kennedy Elementary School, and the Tobin Elementary School.
Media Presentations - Pérez, C. (2007, April). “La Adicción al Internet” (Internet Addiction). TV appearance on HITN (Hispanic Information Television Network) show “Costa a Costa” (Coast to Coast), Brooklyn, New York.
- Pérez, C. (2001, October). “El Impacto de Un Ataque Terrorista: Como Enfrentar Las Consequencias” (The Impact of a Terrorist Attack: How to Confront the Consequences). Radio appearance on RadioMexico, Monterrey, Mexico.
- Pérez, C., & Chamorro, R. (2000, March). “Prevención y La Salud Mental en la Comunidad Latina” (Prevention and Mental Health in the Latino Community). Radio appearance on 1330 AM WRCO Radiolandia, Massachusetts Commissioner of Health for Minorities’ (Mrs. Mercedes Barnett) show “La Hora del Café” (Coffee Hour), Boston, MA.
- Pérez, C., & Chamorro, R. (1999, September). “La Salud Mental y la Comunidad Latina” (Mental Health and the Latino Community). Call-in radio appearance on 1330 AM WRCO Radiolandia, Massachusetts Commissioner of Health for Minorities (Mrs. Mercedes Barnett) show, Boston, MA.
- Pérez, C., & Chamorro, R. (1999, August). “La Esquizofrenia” (Schizophrenia). TV appearance on Enfoque Latino. WUNI (Channel 27 Univision Television Network), Needham, MA